Increasing Driving Safety at the Heart of Nordic Inertial

Nordic Inertial has developed a vehicle measurement platform that produces unprecedentedly accurate information about vehicle dynamics for various needs. Nordic Inertial's reference sensors measure angles at incredible hundredths of a degree level.

With industry-leading performance, the platform sets the standard for accuracy in dynamic angular measurements. The platform is used to develop driver assistance systems, automatic driving, and other vehicle safety systems. It is also used for inertial sensor benchmarking in authentic dynamic environment.

Astronomically accurate information

Nordic Inertial makes the world astronomically safe with astronomically accurate data. One essential device to provide such data is Nordic Inertial's test vehicle. The test vehicle stands as an indispensable tool in our development process, supplying critical data that is fundamental to our progress and innovation. The information produced by the car can be used in developing driving assistance systems, such as lane change warning, emergency braking and slippery surface estimation.

Furthermore, the systems currently in the car can be seamlessly integrated into off-road vehicles, with a smooth transition and immediate functionality. Highly accurate reference motion information is essential in the development of autonomous driving functions, providing the necessary insights to ensure effectiveness and reliability.

- Customers can record measurements with our platform or we can build customized versions to their own needs. Results can be shown live in the car, or post-processed, explains Jussi Collin, CEO of Nordic Inertial.

The sensors embedded in today’s vehicles serve as extensive data sources, consistently generating substantial amounts of information. Information about the car's movements, how the car actually moves on the road, whether it is in a skid, for example, is needed. Lacking the necessary precision, GPS receivers are unable to provide the specific information required for this purpose. Nordic Inertial is employing a holistic approach that integrates data from a variety of sensors to ensure comprehensive and reliable measurements


Fascinating place to work at

As an employee of Nordic Inertial, you get access to an unprecedented vehicle platform. The car produces extremely accurate measurements, immediately visible to the user. Employees have full access to the car's computer via the Internet, so they can access the vehicle regardless of time and place.

- The car is continuously developed and updated. We integrate artificial intelligence into the vehicle and improve the precision continuously, says Jussi Collin, CEO of Nordic Inertial.

- To ascertain the precision of our sensors, we actually sometimes utilize astronomical observations for thorough verification, Collin continues.

- So, knowing where Pole Star is or how Jupiter’s moons would enter and exit Jupiter's shadow can be sometimes useful when operating the car, he adds and smiles.

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Our latest Jammertest venture to Norway showcased the remarkable accuracy and resilience of our inertial systems under GNSS interference. The test team, Curious Minds Leo and Juha gathered an extensive dataset in a remarkably efficient manner. They also conducted a series of experiments for our proprietary anti-spoofing system that is under development. Watch the video below!


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