Are you sure you’re not jamming your own GNSS?

Nordic Inertial's work in motion sensing has many connections to highly topical GNSS interference and anti-spoofing aspects. Let's take autonomous vehicles as an example. These vehicles require AI processors, LiDARs, laser scanners with spinning motors, communication systems – all contributing to the nearby radio spectrum. The primary source for position information is GNSS (GPS + other systems).

The transmission power of GPS satellites is very low, making even a weak interfering radio signal capable of impacting positioning, potentially leading to various hazardous situations. The higher the required positioning accuracy, the less interference can be tolerated.

We have witnessed numerous cases where centimeter-level GNSS accuracy is compromised by another component of the measurement system.

In fact, the GNSS signal power is so low that we are approaching Shannon’s theoretical limit when decoding navigation bits. Furthermore, can we consider position as information as well? To achieve cm-level accuracy, a substantial amount of information needs to be transferred. In summary, we are at the very limits of obtaining accurate position from the sky.

Therefore, any interference will exacerbate the situation. How can we then improve it? Inertial sensors can be used to detect motion completely independently from radionavigation systems – a valuable source of redundant information.

Identifying potential disruptions with Nordic Inertial

Nordic Inertial's cutting-edge technology, in collaboration with our Curious Minds, can identify potential disruptions, provide solutions, and contribute to a significantly safer world.

Our tailored algorithms enhance measuring accuracy in both attitude estimation and positioning, surpassing many traditional methods. Having knowledge in both radionavigation and inertial worlds enables us to pinpoint weak spots and offer effective solutions. We push boundaries while honoring scientific principles.

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